Neaten Theme
Nilay Chandra Barman

Neaten Theme is a simple and responsive theme for your web presence built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It is highly extensible, customizable, and can be set up quickly. It can be used along with the other popular CSS and Javascript frameworks without any issue.

Neaten Theme
Support Quick Setup
Usage along with popular CSS and Javascript frameworks
Facebook Open Graph, Twitter Cards
Design Responsive Design
Uses Font Awesome
License Open Source
MIT License
Self Hosted: Setting up Neaten Theme is as easy as pie.
  1. Just copy the codes from the Github repository, and paste it into your root directory.
  2. Make modifications to the codes according to your needs.
  3. Whoopee! Installation complete. Now only check if everything is working fine.
Github Pages:
  1. Fork the Github repository.
  2. Renaming the forked repository
    1. To publish using Github Pages you are required to have a repository named after <your-username> If you don't have it, then rename the forked repository to <your-username> [ Site will be published at https://<your-username> ]
    2. (Optional) In case you already have one, then just rename the forked repository after a suitable project name. [ Site will be published at https://<your-username><project-name> ]
      • Go to Settings --> Scroll down to Github Pages --> switch Sources from None to master branch.
  3. Whoopee! Installation complete. Now only check if everything is working fine.
Please consider giving Neaten Theme repository a star on Github if you find it useful.